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MPF glossary

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | J | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V

Accrued benefits 累算權益

These are the accumulated contributions and returns on investments (including unrealised gains and losses).


Administrator 行政管理人

An administrator is responsible for the administration of an MPF scheme, such as processing members' enrollment and fund transfers, keeping records of scheme members, handling contributions and withdrawal request and providing member benefit statements and providing other customer services to enrolled employers and scheme members. It is common that the trustee is also the administrator of the scheme while in some cases, the trustee employs a third-party as the administrator.


Age 65 Plus Fund 65歲後基金

About 20% of the assets of the fund is invested in higher risk assets (mainly global equities), and the rest in lower risk assets (mainly global bonds).


Annual benefit statement 周年權益報表

This is the annual statement of your MPF account for a particular financial year. It is a record of your account transactions and balances, including contributions, transfers, fund switching, account balances, fund allocations, gains and losses, etc. According to legislation, trustees (i.e. MPF providers) must issue this statement to scheme members within three months after the end of each financial year of the MPF scheme.

這是強積金賬戶於某財政年度的年結單,記錄了你在有關賬戶交易及結餘,包括供款、轉移、基金轉換,賬戶結餘、投資選擇以及利潤或虧損等資料。法例規定,受託人(即供應商)必須在計劃每個財政年度完結後 3 個月內,向成員提供此報表。

Asia ex Japan equity funds 亞洲股票(日本除外)基金

This fund invests solely in listed securities in Asia, excluding Japan.


Asia ex Japan ex Hong Kong equity funds 亞洲股票(日本及香港除外)基金

This fund invests solely in listed securities in Asia, excluding Japan and Hong Kong.


Asian bond funds 亞洲債券基金

The fund invests primarily in bond portfolios from the Asia Pacific region and seeks long-term capital growth.

Since bond funds on the MPF platform are required to comply with regulations related to minimum credit ratings or IPO offerings, these bond funds are mostly invested in bonds or debt instruments issued by governments, public organisations, banks, commercial organisations or supranational agencies like the World Bank.



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Benchmark 基準

A predetermined portfolio or an index which fund performance can be measured or compared against.


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China equity funds 中國股票基金

This fund invests solely in listed securities in China (limited to H shares, B shares and red chips) and Hong Kong.


Contribution account 供款賬戶

This account is used for receiving (1) regular MPF contributions made through the current employer* (including both employer and employee portions of the contribution), and (2) the entire amount (100%) of accumulated MPF assets from previous employment periods.

* For the self-employed, regular contributions consist of employee contributions only.

這賬戶是用來接收 (1) 由現職僱主定期作出的強積金供款*(包括僱主及僱員部分)及(2) 於前受僱期間累積的整筆(100%)資產轉移的。


Core Accumulation Fund 核心累積基金

About 60% of the assets of the fund is invested in higher risk assets (mainly global equities), and the rest in lower risk assets (mainly global bonds).


Custodian 監管人

A custodian of an MPF scheme is responsible for holding the scheme assets, the settlement of investment transactions, maintaining accurate transaction records of assets, managing cash and reporting material events to trustee. This responsibility is delegated to either a person or an institution to take care of trust assets by an approved trustee.


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Default Investment Strategy 預設投資策略

The Default Investment Strategy (DIS) is a highly standardised investment strategy subject to fee control mechanism. If members do not actively choose their own MPF investments when they are enrolled into an MPF scheme, their MPF contributions will be invested according to the DIS. Members can also actively choose to invest in the DIS if they believe the strategy suits their investment objectives and preference.


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Employee Choice Arrangement 僱員自選安排

This arrangement, also commonly known as "ECA" or "Semi-Portable MPF" or "Member's Choice", comes into effect on November 1 2012. It allows mployees to transfer the total amount of his/her own portion of the mandatory contributions for the current employment period to another MPF scheme of the employee's choice, as a lump sum, once every calendar year.


Eurasia equity funds 亞歐股票基金

The fund invests primarily in a combination of European, Australasian and Far Eastern equity market index-tracking funds. It also holds a small proportion in cash or cash equivalent instruments to be used for operational and/or hedging purposes.


European equity funds 歐洲股票基金

This fund invests solely in listed securities in Europe.


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Fund Expense Ratio (FER) 基金開支比率

The FER is a percentage which provides a measure of the total expenses incurred in a fund over total assets in a financial period. It is calculated with data from the previous financial period and should be published in the fund fact sheet of a scheme. For funds with less than two years of history, they are not required to disclose their FER.


Fund manager/investment manager 基金經理/投資經理

A fund manager/investment manager is responsible for the investment management of relevant fund(s). The appointment is made pursuant to the terms and conditions of the Master Trust Deed and its investment agreement. In addition, it must be independent of the MPF trustee and custodian.


Fund types 基金類別

Willis Towers Watson has classified MPF funds into different fund types according to the percentage of their assets invested in equities, bonds and cash, as well as other features such as geographic location.


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Global bond funds 環球債券基金

By investing in bond portfolios in the international market, the fund seeks a long-term stable return from a combination of current income and capital appreciation.

Since bond funds on the MPF platform are required to comply with regulations related to minimum credit ratings or IPO offerings, these bond funds are mostly invested in bonds or debt instruments issued by governments, public organisations, banks, commercial organisations or supranational agencies like the World Bank.



Global equity funds 環球股票基金

This fund invests primarily in securities of companies listed on the stock markets around the world.


Greater China equity funds 大中華股票基金

This fund invests solely in listed securities in the Greater China region, including Hong Kong, Taiwan and China (limited to H shares, B shares and red chips).


Guaranteed funds 保證基金

This type of fund invests primarily in bonds, stocks or short-term interest bearing money market instruments. It provides MPF members with some form of "guarantee". More commonly seen types are "guarantee of capital invested" and "guaranteed rate of return"; there may be other specified guarantees. The guarantee can be conditional or unconditional. A conditional guarantee is provided upon fulfilment of a set of conditions, while an unconditional guarantee means the guarantee is provided without any conditions being imposed.


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Hong Kong Dollar bond funds 港元債券基金

This fund only invests in Hong Kong dollar denominated bonds, with the objective of provide a more stable dividend income as well as long term capital appreciation.

Since bond funds on the MPF platform are required to comply with regulations related to minimum credit ratings or IPO offerings, these bond funds are mostly invested in bonds or debt instruments issued by governments, public organisations, banks, commercial organisations or supranational agencies like the World Bank. The risk level is from low to medium. Generally, bond prices are less volatile compared to equities but the expected rate of return is lower as well.



Hong Kong Dollar money market funds 港元貨幣市場基金

This type of fund generally invests only in short-term (i.e. less than one year) money market instruments dominated in Hong Kong dollars, and receives interest income from it.


Hong Kong Equity (Index Tracking) funds 香港股票(指數追蹤)基金

This is a passively managed fund and its objective is to track the performance of the Hang Seng Index (HSI); constituent securities within the fund are bought and sold based on their relative weightings in the HSI. Performance of the fund is supposed to track the performance of the HSI.


Hong Kong equity funds 香港股票基金

This fund is limited to investing in shares listed on the Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEx).


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Japanese equity funds 日本股票基金

This fund invests solely in listed securities in Japan.


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Mandatory contributions 強制性供款

This is the statutory contribution stipulated by the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority (MPFA). Both employers and employees are each required to make a 5% contribution based on the employee's relevant income* every month.

*Relevant income includes wages, salaries, vacation pay, fees/expenses, commissions, bonuses, termination allowance/compensation, housing allowance, other housing benefits, supplements or allowances. The self-employed are required to contribute 5% of their relevant income.


*有關入息包括工資、薪金、假期津貼、費用、佣金、花紅、約滿酬金、房屋津貼、其他房屋利益、 補貼或津貼。自僱人士亦須按其有關入息的5%作出供款。

Market share 市場佔有率

The percentage of total asset size in the MPF market that is attributable to a particular MPF sponsor.


Membership certificate 成員證明書

This is the certificate issued by the MPF provider to employees upon completion of registration. It includes information about the scheme and the account(s) such as name of the trustee, name of the scheme, registration number, etc.


Mixed assets funds (equity content 20% - 40%) 混合資產基金(股票 20% - 40%)

A mixed assets fund invests in global or regional equities and bonds. An equity content of 20% - 40% means the portfolio will have between 20% and 40% invested in stocks, with the rest invested in global fixed income securities and cash.

混合資產基金投資於環球或區域性的股票和債券。混合資產基金(股票20% - 40%)指該基金的投資組合內環球股票比重約佔兩成至四成,其餘資產會投資在環球定息證券及現金。

Mixed assets funds (equity content 40% - 60%) 混合資產基金(股票 40% - 60%)

A mixed assets fund invests in global or regional equities and bonds. An equity content of 40% - 60% means the portfolio will have between 40% and 60% invested in stocks, with the rest invested in global fixed income securities and cash.

混合資產基金投資於環球或區域性的股票和債券。混合資產基金(股票40% - 60%)指該基金的投資組合內環球股票比重約佔四成至六成,其餘資產會投資在環球定息證券及現金。

Mixed assets funds (equity content 60% - 80%) 混合資產基金(股票 60% - 80%)

A mixed assets fund invests in global or regional equities and bonds. An equity content of 60% -80%) means the portfolio will have between 60% and 80% invested in stocks, with the rest invested in global fixed income securities and cash.

混合資產基金投資於環球或區域性的股票和債券。混合資產基金(股票60% - 80%)指該基金的投資組合內環球股票比重約佔六成至八成,其餘資產會投資在環球定息證券及現金。

Mixed assets funds (equity content > 80%) 混合資產基金(股票>80%)

A mixed assets fund invests in global or regional equities and bonds. An equity content of > 80% means the portfolio will have over 80% invested in stocks, with the rest invested in global fixed income securities and cash.


MPF conservative funds 強積金保守基金

A conservative fund is a type of money market fund which invests only in Hong Kong dollar assets, which can be in the form of short-term bank deposits or high quality debt securities (generally not over 90 days).

Since the objective of this fund is to achieve a rate of return similar to or higher than that available for bank savings deposits in Hong Kong dollars, its performance is mainly affected by interest rate volatility. Every MPF scheme is required by law to provide a conservative fund.



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New scheme 新計劃

Your newly selected MPF scheme, i.e. the scheme into which your MPF assets will be transferred.


New trustee 新受託人

This refers to the newly selected MPF service provider. When you plan to transfer MPF assets, your accrued benefits will be transferred by the original trustee (i.e. current provider) to the scheme of the new trustee (i.e. new provider).


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Original scheme 原計劃

The MPF scheme from which your MPF assets will be transferred out.


Original trustee 原受託人

This refers to the MPF service provider you are currently using. When you plan to transfer MPF assets, your accrued benefits will be transferred by the original trustee (i.e. current provider) to the scheme of the new trustee (i.e. new provider).


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Pacific Basin ex Japan equity funds 亞太股票(日本除外)基金

This fund invests solely in listed securities in the Asia-Pacific region including Australia, while excluding Japan and Hong Kong.


Personal account 個人賬戶

This is formerly known as the preserved account, now renamed as personal account. It is used for receiving assets transferred from other MPF accounts from previous employments. Unlike the contribution account, the personal account will not receive contributions made through the current employer.


Preserved account 保留賬戶

This has now been renamed as personal account. It is used for receiving assets transferred from other MPF accounts from previous employments. Unlike the contribution account, the personal account will not receive contributions made through the current employer.


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RMB and HKD money market funds 人民幣及港幣貨幣市場基金

This type of fund generally invests only in short-term (i.e. less than one year) money market instruments dominated in Hong Kong dollars, and receives interest income from it.


RMB bond funds 人民幣債券基金

This fund mainly invests in RMB denominated debt instruments and money market instruments issued or distributed outside mainland China.


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Sponsor 保薦人

A sponsor is responsible for designing and putting the MPF scheme together, coordinating with other service providers, marketing of the MPF product and delivering on-going client services and education.


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Target date funds 目標日期基金

It is also described as an automated lifecycle fund as it automatically resets the asset mix (stocks, bonds, cash equivalents) in its portfolio according to a selected time frame that is appropriate for a member. That is, the portfolio becomes more conservative as the retirement age (target date) approaches.

這種基金被俗稱為「懶人基金」,因為此基金會根據成員的年齡或退休年期,自動調節股票、債劵和現金的比重。換言之,它會跟隨其人生階段調節投資組合 ─ 距離退休年期愈長,持有股票的比例愈高;相反愈接近退休年齡,債券和現金的比例則愈高。

Transfer confirmation 轉移確認書

When the new trustee completes the transfer request made by an MPF member, by investing the assets into the chosen funds on behalf of the member, a transfer confirmation should be sent to the said member within seven (7) business days.

Generally, a transfer confirmation includes personal and scheme information, as well as transaction details on investment allocations as per the member's instructions.



Transfer statement 轉移結算書

When the original trustee completes the transfer request made by an MPF member, by redeeming the fund units from the employee's account and sending the cheque to the new trustee by post, a transfer statement should be sent to the said member within five (5) business days.

Generally, a transfer statement includes personal and scheme information, as well as a summary of benefits redeemed from each fund and the total amount transferred.



Trustee 受託人

A trustee is obligated to protect the members' interests by exercising fiduciary duties with regard to benefits, keeping proper records and reports, policing the performance of the other service providers to ensure compliance and reporting significant events to the regulators (such as MPFA). Under the MPF system, every MPF scheme is administrated, managed and maintained by a trustee that has been approved by MPFA pursuant to the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Ordinance.


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United States equity funds 美國股票基金

This fund invests solely in listed securities in the US.


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Voluntary contributions 自願性供款

This refers to the additional contribution that can be made on top of the mandatory contribution. Voluntary contributions differ from mandatory contributions in that:

  • They can be withdrawn by the employee upon leaving a job.
  • The withdrawals are subject to limits based on the scheme's vesting scale.


  • 僱員離職時可以提取
  • 提取時計劃本身受歸屬比例所規限

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